?Youtube? Movie Online The Shawshank Redemption

?Youtube? Movie Online The Shawshank Redemption




  • 1994
  • Two imprisoned men bond over a number of years, finding solace and eventual redemption through acts of common decency
  • Star=William Sadler
  • Country=USA
  • average Rating=9,3 of 10 stars








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Movie online the shawshank redemption

I watch this movie once every year, that"s how important it is to me. I"m on my 15th watch now. 2:53 Heywood looks away scared and disturbed by what he just made happen to that man. Less than two seconds of acting but so perfect. Movie online the shawshank redemption free.

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Crap XD.

An amazing film. I can"t believe it never won an oscar

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